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Make your own Holder of Dreams Mosaic

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Come join the conversation on the experiences new Canadians face when immigrating to Canada by participating in a collaborative art project mosaic.

Inspired by Lin Xu’s “Holder of Dreams” artwork, come participate in an engaging mosaic art project that asks you to reflect on the emotions you might have if you immigrated to a new country. Holder of Dreams is displayed in the Canada: Day 1 exhibition and features small ceramic pillows displayed in a suitcase. Each pillow displays words in different languages that describe newcomers’ feelings when arriving in Canada. You will get the chance to write or draw on ceramic tiles any emotions you might have if you immigrated to another country. The ceramics will be displayed in a mosaic in the Museum in a large suitcase. Come join the conversation on the challenges immigrants face when coming to Canada.

Recommended Audience: Children Ages 10+ and Adults

Photo: Courtesy of Pier 21

Dates & Times
English French