Teepee Time is an engaging animated preschool series following a curious little tipi as he explores the world around him. For Teepee, every experience involves learning something new, with lots of fun and adventure along the way!
Teepee Draws a Medicine Wheel
Teepee draws a Medicine Wheel for the very first time. He learns the meaning of each of the colours used and dances to a lively song. Then, before naptime, he listens to a story from the magic book.
Teepee Goes to the Museum
Mischievous little Teepee visits a museum for the very first time. Then, before naptime, he listens to a story from the magic book about prehistoric animal drawings and a cave of stalactites.
These episodes will be followed by a short Mi’kmaq language lesson.
Teepee Time episodes are generously provided to the Canadian Museum of History by JerryCo Animation.
JerryCo Animation is North America’s first indigenous owned and operated animation studio. Since 2002 they have written, directed and produced nearly 300 episodes of indigenous language television, 150 indigenous songs and have recently completed their first animated feature, Sedna, Empress of the Sea.