Canadian Nursing History Collection Online Medal - 2000.111.102 - CD2004-0369 / D2004-6127
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The Gloria (Barwell) Kay Nurses' Caps Collection

Most nurses no longer wear uniforms and caps. Retired nurse Gloria Kay [her nurse's cap 1999.267.53] believed that the once-common nurses cap should be preserved and, in 1974, she began a collection of caps, which were sent to her by nurses from all across Canada. In 1999, Kay donated 167 of the caps [e.g. 1999.267.1; 1999.267.24; 1999.267.29; 1999.267.32; 1999.267.44; 1999.267.70], representing 130 schools of nursing, and dating from 1895 to 1983.

Gloria Kay - CMC Archives: 2000-H0015 Cap - 1999.267.53 - CD2001-60-021
Gloria Kay CMC 1999.267.53

Cap - 1999.267.1 - CD2001-68-002 Cap - 1999.267.24 - CD2001-68-046 Cap - 1999.267.29 - CD2001-68-057
CMC 1999.267.1 CMC 1999.267.24 CMC 1999.267.29

Cap - 1999.267.32 - CD2001-68-062 Cap - 1999.267.44 - CD2001-60-003 Cap - 1999.267.70 - CD2001-60-056
CMC 1999.267.32 CMC 1999.267.44 CMC 1999.267.70


Medal - 2000.111.102 - CD2004-0369 / D2004-6127