Canada in a Box, Cigar Containers that Store Our Past 1883-1935
Canada in a Box, Cigar Containers that Store Our Past 1883-1935
Canada in a Box, Cigar Containers that Store Our Past 1883-1935
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  1. The Amo cigar box label features an image of the shield of Canada at the time. There are 7 provinces represented. When does that tell you the label might have been printed?
  2. AMO  
    1. 1867
    2. Before 1905
    3. After 1905

  3. What do the Earl of Minto, Colonel Steele, and Sir Haig have in common?
    1. They were all famous Canadians.
    2. They were all Governors General who established Canadian sport championship cups.
    3. They were all military officers.

  5. In which order were the following Canadian railways built?
    1. Grand Trunk Pacific, CPR., Intercolonial.
    2. Intercolonial, Grand Trunk Pacific, CPR.
    3. CPR., Grand Trunk Pacific, Intercolonial.

  7. What do Jim Hill, William Van Horne and Reverend George Monro Grant have in common?
    1. They all smoked cigars.
    2. They were all fathers of confederation.
    3. They all were involved in one way or another with the building of Canada's early railways.

  9. Cigar boxes were given colourful inner labels to:
    1. Make the boxes more attractive as storage containers.
    2. Help catch the eye of customers.
    3. Help tobacconists find a new box on the shelf when the old box was empty.

  10. The only sign that an early cigar box is really Canadian is:
  11. Factory 2 I.R.D. 31 LAURIER GRANDMOTHER
    1. It has an IRD or Port number/letter on the bottom.
    2. A Canadian politician is pictured on the inner label.
    3. The text is in both English and French.

  12. The beaver appears on several brands of Canadian cigar box because —
  13. BEAVER

    1. The beaver was a well known symbol for Canada and nationalism helped sell cigars.
    2. Beaver pelts were traded for cigars at the height of the fur trade;
      the price per cigar—a stack of skins as tall as the cigar.
    3. In southwestern Ontario, beavers cover their lodges with tobacco leaves for the winter.

  14. "Jumbo" was the name of a cigar made in St. Thomas, Ontario. Why?
  15. Jumbo

    1. Migrant French Canadian tobacco pickers in St. Thomas often smoked a locally made cigar after a lunch of ham sandwiches; the cigar maker, not a francophone, thought their positive comments about the ham ("Quel bon jambon!") referred to his cigars, so he renamed the brand.
    2. St. Thomas cigar makers specialized in making huge cigars.
    3. Jumbo, the famous elephant in Barnum's circus, was killed in
      St. Thomas.

  16. One of Joseph Montferrand's most famous exploits occurred on the bridge between Ottawa and Hull where he defeated a gang of ruffians by clubbing them with:

    1. The jawbone of an ass.
    2. An enormous squared log from Wright's saw mill downriver.
    3. The unconscious body of one of his opponents.

  18. The beautiful engravings of vignettes from Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley appear on revenue stamps from the series of:
  19. Ottawa Valley lumberjack in traditional costume. The Ottawa Locks of the Rideau Canal. The building on the left is the Commissariat (now the Bytown Museum); beyond, the Ottawa River and Quebec shore. Victoria Tower, Centre Block, Parliament Hill. Destroyed by fire, 1916. Victoria Tower, Centre Block, Parliament Hill. Destroyed by fire, 1916.

    1. 1883
    2. 1897
    3. 1915
    4. 1922

  20. Four Canadian prime ministers appear on early cigar boxes. They are:
    1. Mackenzie King, Pearson, Trudeau, Mulroney.
    2. Macdonald, Laurier, Thompson, Bowell.
    3. Thompson, Harris, Lismer, Varley.

  21. One of the reasons cigars legally had to be sold out of boxes built specially for them was —
  22. TRUMP

    1. The wood of the boxes imparted a special flavour to the cigars.
    2. The public demanded that inexpensive storage containers for chess men, stamps, buttons, etc., be made a right for all Canadians.
    3. It was easier for the government to keep track of taxes paid on boxed cigars than on cigars stored in bulk warehouses.
