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Lifelines: Canada's East Coast Fisheries

Swales and Whales
Atlantic Canada's Sea Mammal Harvest
Whaleships and Whaleboats
Swales and Whales: Atlantic Canada's Sea Mammal Harvest


The vessels used to hunt whales did more than transport their crews; they were part of the weaponry itself and embodied the best possible design for the task.

The Basques used small, sturdy and very seaworthy whaleboats called chalupas to approach their resting prey. A harpooned whale would flee and drag the boat containing its attackers behind it. The whaleboat acted as a drag, slowing and tiring the whale until, exhausted, it could be killed. The basic design of the chalupa was widely adopted by others and endured for centuries.

Hunting Whales

Hunting whales, 18th century
(Source: Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau, Traité général des pesches et histoire des poisons, Paris, 1777.)

Modern whaling technology dispensed with the use of whaleboats and used motorized whaleships as platforms for powerful deck guns. The masts of these catcher ships worked with easing gear to prevent the harpoon lines from snapping from the tensions to which they were subjected as the whale struggled to escape.

Whalers - 
National Archives of Canada - C-24523

Whalers on their way to the hunt, 1904
(Courtesy: National Archives of Canada



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