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The Digester Tower on the grounds of the Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2004.
© CMCC, photo: Harry Foster, no. D2005-00107

The E. B. Eddy Digester Tower
Parc Laurier

The E. B. Eddy Tower, built in 1901, was the first vertical digester in North America. It exemplifies the role of the inventions of the E. B. Eddy Company in the technological and economic development not only of Hull and the region, but also of Canada. The tower was part of a sulfite pulp plant, several buildings of which were demolished in 1972. The only buildings still standing are those now occupied by the Scott Paper plant.

View a transition between now and 1924, or view (from another angle) a transition between now and a 1974 photo from the Domtar collection.

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