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Hat Lore
"I can see by your outfit that you are a cowboy"
The Mitre
The Modernization of Roman Catholic Sisters' Headwear
Under the Veil
Where Did the Mortarboard Come from?
Hidden Meanings: The Wedding Head-dress
Black Rod
Bicornes and Tricornes
Has the Mountie always Worn the Stetson?
To Protect and to Terrify: Military Headwear
Question: Is a judge a judge without a wig?
The Nurse's Cap: Symbol of Authority or Servitude?
The Hundred-Pleater
The History of Canada in a Hat?
Not for Adornment: Hutterite Head Coverings
The Bonnet Rouge
The Cap That Caps Them All
In Your Easter Bonnet
The Cultivated Cloche
Treasure in the Attic: Miss Newton's Hat Shop
Hat Talk