Creating the Dinner Service


In 1896, the Woman's Art Association of Canada (commonly referred to as the Women's Art Association of Canada (WAAC)), a national association of both amateur and professional women artists, decided to participate in the 1897 "Commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the Discovery of Canada by John Cabot" by commissioning a state dinner service to be painted on china by members of the association selected from across Canada by competition. Sixteen women were selected to paint a dinner service of eight courses with 24 place-settings.

  Women's Art Association of Canada
Women's Art Association of Canada

Mary Dignam, Founding President, WAAC
Mary Dignam, Founding President, WAAC

The Artists

Menu | Introduction | History | Dinner Service
Creating the Dinner Service | Splendid Gift
Victorian Dining | China Painting
Further Reading | Web Sites | Credits