Xu Shu Returns Home

(Xu Shu gui jia)

Volumes 3 and 4 of 6Volumes 5 and 6 of 6

Volumes 1 and 2 are not in the collection

The plot is based on historical events which took place in A.D. 168-220, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Xu Shu is both an expert swordsman and a man of great wisdom. He becomes a fugitive after he kills a man to avenge an injustice, and thereafter devotes himself to the life of a scholar, studying under many grand masters. He later meets Liu Bei, a descendant of the royal Han family and a respected leader with a humble attitude. Xu Shu is moved by Liu Bei's desire to restore the Han Dynasty to its former state of glory, and becomes his advisor. With Xu Shu's help, Liu Bei defeats the powerful army of the hated Prime Minister, Cao Cao, and puts down a revolt within the Han Dynasty.

Xu Shu has been raised by his mother alone, because his father died when he was young. Not long after the battle in which Cao Cao is defeated, Xu Shu receives a letter from his mother saying that she has been imprisoned by Cao Cao, and will not be released unless her son relinquishes his service to Liu Bei. Xu Shu becomes convinced that his mother has suffered mistreatment in the capital. Xu Shu is truly loyal to Liu Bei; however, filial devotion demands that he rescue his mother. He insists on leaving, even though Liu Bei tries to persuade him to stay. Understanding Xu Shu's situation, Liu Bei escorts him beyond the camp for many miles. Xu Shu is equally reluctant to leave, but reassures Liu Bei that he will not help Cao Cao under any circumstances. He finally takes his leave, but returns moments later to recommend his close friend Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei. Zhuge Liang is a famous strategist who later helps Liu Bei to establish the Shu Kingdom.

He is greeted at the gates of the capital by Cheng Yu, one of Cao Cao's top advisors, along with other high-ranking officials. Xu Shu pays his respects to Cao Cao — who makes no secret of the fact that he is interested in benefitting from Xu Shu's service — then visits his mother in her room.

His mother is astonished to see him, and asks why he is there. After hearing the reason for her son's visit, she is appalled, and tells him what has happened. During her captivity, Cheng Yu has pretended to be her son's old friend and has visited her quite often. Each time, he has brought gifts while visiting her and has written greeting cards. She has returned the courtesy, thus giving Cheng Yu samples of her handwriting, and providing him with the means to forge the letter to Xu Shu.

Xu Shu's mother blames her son for being too stupid to avoid the trap which has caused him to leave his proper master, Liu Bei. While Xu Shu is still recovering from this knowledge, his mother returns to her bedroom and hangs herself to prevent her son from serving Cao Cao during the revolt. Xu Shu realizes too late what has happened, and collapses in grief. He remains at his mother's gravesite during the traditional 49-day mourning period, and refuses all gifts of condolence from Cao Cao.

By now, Cao Cao has realized that Xu Shu is not going to assist him in any tangible way. Xu Shu is given a minor office in the capital, where he apparently remains until his death.