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93 Papineau Street


This barbershop is situated on one of the smallest properties in the city of Hull, the measurements being only 3 metres by 12 metres. The present building had become a place of business by 1920, when the owner was Pierre Courroux, a joiner.

It was in 1940 that the barbershop of Albert Majeau was established here. In 1980 the shop was sold to Roland Mantha, who still runs it. In the 1950s there were three barbers, but since the '70s there have only been two on staff. During the second half of the twentieth century, besides cutting hair, the barbers offered various special services, such as beard-trimming, treatment of scalp conditions, and facials. Now, in the twenty-first century, the only services provided are the cutting and trimming of hair and beards.