PRESENZA - Knowing what you eat

Canti Popolari Italiani
Com’è dolce l’uva fogarina

Aria di casa nostra: La Toscana
Inno all’uva

Abruzzo canti e magia
Uva bianca uva nera

Toni Santagata. Festa Grande
Uva uva

Sicilia Folkloristica
Cu quattru soddi m’accattai na vigna

What Italian Canadians Most Often Grow
in Their Gardens

Il Contadino (The Peasant)
Photo: Steven Darby, CMC CD2004-1169 D2004-18531
Il Contadino (The Peasant)
Salvatore Zilembo
Oil on canvas
Canadian Museum of Civilization

For Salvatore Zilembo, this painting depicts much more than a peasant taking a break at harvest time. Based on childhood memories, it also captures the pleasure of living close to nature, and the peasant's love for his land and its produce.


Arugula (rucola)
Cabbage (cavolo)
Carrots (carote)
Celery (sedano)
Eggplant (melanzane)
Onions (cipolle)
Peppers (peperoni)
Zucchini (zucchini)
Lettuce (lattuga), including:
  Foglia di Quercia
  Radicchio di Chioggia
  Radicchio di Treviso
  Friulian radicchio


Beans (fagioli) - various types
Fava beans (fave) - various types
Green beans (fagiolini) - various types

Aromatic Plants and Herbs

Basil (basilico) - genovese (small leaves) or napoletano (large leaves)
Bay (alloro)
Fennel (finocchio)
Hot peppers (peperoncini) - several varieties
Mint (menta)
Oregano (oregano)
Parsley (prezzemolo)
Rosemary (rosmarino)
Sage (salvia)
Tarragon (estragone)
Thyme (timo)


Apples (mele)
Figs (fichi)
Grapes (uva)
Pears (pere)
Plums (prugne)
Tomatoes (pomodori) - several varieties

Tree-pruning knife Photo: Steven Darby, CMC CD2004-1169 D2004-18548
Tree-pruning knife
Latium region, Italy
Used in Canada
Metal, wood
Lent by Carlo Ferrera

This instrument was used in Italy to prune fruit trees or cut firewood. Here in Canada, Carlo Ferrera uses it to prune the trees in his garden. The curved inner edge is for cutting narrow branches, and the outer edge serves as a hatchet, for cutting large branches or trunks.

Vine-grafting knife, sickle, pruning shears, axe, brush-clearing tool Photo: Steven Darby, CMC CD2004-0245 D2004-6050

Vine-grafting knife Photo: Steven Darby, CMC CD2004-1169 D2004-18546
(1) Vine-grafting knife
Made by Carmine Michele Zilembo
Molise region, Italy
Used in Canada
Metal, goat horn
Lent by Salvatore Zilembo

(2) Pruning shears
Latium region, Italy
Date unknown
Used in Canada
Lent by Orazio Di Cocco

(3) Axe
Handle made by Salvatore Valenti
Sicily region, Italy
c. 1948
Used in Canada
Metal, wood
Lent by Salvatore Valenti

(4) Brush-clearing tool
Latium region, Italy
Used in Canada
Metal, wood
Lent by Pompilio Rocca

Sickle Photo: Steven Darby, CMC CD2004-1169 D2004-18547
(5) Sickle
Made by Salvatore Lamonica
Metal, wood
Lent by Salvatore Lamonica

(6) Sickle
Made by Felice Alfonso Rocca
Latium region, Italy
Used in Canada
Metal, wood
Lent by Pompilio Rocca

In Italy, this sickle was used for cutting hay, wheat and shrubs. Here in Canada,
it was used to clear scrub and weeds.

(7) Pruning shears
Sicily region, Italy
Used in Canada
Lent by Salvatore Valenti

Salvatore Valenti pruned olive trees in Italy. It was one of his specialties. Thinking that these shears might come in handy, he brought them to Canada, where he used them in his garden.