Featured works of art.

Kneeling Woman with Owls - 
Collection: James Houston - S99-11216

Kneeling Woman with Owls
c. 1967
Andy Mamgark (1918-1983)

Andy Mamgark first worked at the nickel mine in Rankin Inlet. He would pick up stone around the mine and make carvings for his white co-workers.

When he returned to Arviat in 1965, he continued to carve, and he had this story to tell: "I had a dream once of a powerful shawoman. She would lift up her flaming oil lamp but no oil or fire would run out. This shawoman would sing three magic words again and again, calling her helpers, the owls. She had the power to make these owls bring the caribou close to us, but also her owls could make craziness happen in some people." (personal communication with James Houston, April 1970)


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