February 21, 2022

The Contributors’ Circle — a select group of people who choose to make monthly donations — is an important part of the Museums’ donor community. Their ongoing support provides a dependable revenue stream to preserve and share Canada’s history. A warm welcome to the following new Contributors’ Circle members who joined between July and October 2021:

Larry Graber

Jan MacLellan

Pierre Ritchie

Elaine Torrie

Anonymous (6)

We also want to welcome the following donors who, between July and October, joined our Partners’ Circle — a group of like-minded donors who are committed to preserving and sharing Canada’s history with a donation of $1,000 or more annually. Their support is vital to our mission of sharing the stories that have shaped this country’s history.

CFN Consultants

Malcolm and Marion Cromarty

LGen (Ret’d) Allan M. DeQuetteville

Maj Ian M. Galbraith

Paul Gibbons

J.L. Granatstein

Harry A. Newman Memorial Foundation

General (Ret’d) Raymond R. Henault, CMM, MSC, CD

MGen (Ret’d) Clifton M. Kinney

Tom and Kelly Lawson

Bill and Marion Leithead

Hon. Roger Alexander Lindsay of Craighall

Margaret MacMillan

General Paul Manson

Michael and Sheryle McAfee

BGen Jack Partington

John R. Rutherford

Roger Sarty

Murray Snyder and Jennifer Post

Jean Teron

The Naval Association of Canada

Anonymous (5)

Donations :