
English References

Bird, Michael. Canadian Folk Art: Old Ways in a New Land. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1983.

Bird, Michael, and Terry Kobayashi. A Splendid Harvest: Germanic Folk and Decorative Arts in Canada. Toronto: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981.

Burke, Susan M., and Matthew H. Hill. From Pennsylvania to Waterloo: Pennsylvania-German Folk Culture in Transition. Proceedings of 10th Anniversary Symposium: Continuity and Change, Kitchener, Ont., July 4–7. Joseph Schneider Haus, 1991.

Burnham, Dorothy K. The Comfortable Arts: Traditional Spinning and Weaving in Canada. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1981.

Burnham, Harold, and Dorothy Burnham. “Keep Me Warm One Night”: Early Handweaving in Eastern Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972.

Collard, Elizabeth. Nineteenth-Century Pottery and Porcelain in Canada. 2nd ed. Montréal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1984.

Dobson, Henry, and Barbara Dobson. The Early Furniture of Ontario and the Atlantic Provinces. Toronto: M. F. Feheley, 1974.

———. A Provincial Elegance: Arts of the Early French and English Settlements in Canada. Exhibition catalogue. Kitchener, Ont.: Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery, 1982.

———. Heritage Furnishings of Atlantic Canada: A Visual Survey With Pertinent Points. Kingston, Ont.: Quarry Press, 2010.

Fleming, John. The Painted Furniture of French Canada, 1700–1840. Camden East, Ont.: Camden House and Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1994.

Fleming, John, and Michael Rowan. Folk Furniture of Canada’s Doukhobors, Hutterites, Mennonites and Ukrainians. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, 2004.

———. Canadian Folk Art to 1950. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press and Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2012.

Fleming, Patricia, and Thomas Carpenter. Traditions in Wood: A History of Wildfowl Decoys in Canada. Camden East, Ont.: Camden House, 1987.

Harper, J. Russell. A People’s Art: Primitive, Naïve, Provincial, and Folk Painting in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974.

McKendry, Ruth. Quilts and Other Bed Coverings in the Canadian Tradition. Toronto and New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979.

Newlands, David L. Early Ontario Potters: Their Craft and Trade. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1979.

Pain, Howard. The Heritage of Upper Canadian Furniture, 1780–1900. Toronto and New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1978.

Palardy, Jean. The Early Furniture of French Canada. Translated by Eric McLean. Toronto and New York: Macmillan, 1965.

Webster, Donald Blake. Early Canadian Pottery. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1971.

———. English-Canadian Furniture of the Georgian Period. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1979.

Webster, Donald Blake, ed. The Book of Canadian Antiques. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1979.

French References

Blanchette, Jean-François. Du coq à l’âme: L’art populaire au Québec. Ottawa: Canadian Museum of History and University of Ottawa Press, 2014.

Burnham, Dorothy K. L’art des étoffes: Le filage et le tissage traditionnels au Canada. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada and National Museums of Canada, 1981.

Fleming, John. Les meubles peints du Canada français 1700–1840. Camden East, Ont.: Camden House and Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1994.

Genêt, Nicole, Louise Décarie-Audet and Luce Vermette. Les objets familiers de nos ancêtres. Montréal: Les éditions de l’Homme, 1974.

Hardy, Jean-Pierre. La vie quotidienne dans la vallée du Saint-Laurent 1790–1835. Sillery, Que.: Les éditions du Septentrion, 2001.

Leahy, George W. L’ornementation dans la maison québécoise aux XVII et XVIII siècles. Sillery, Que.: Les éditions du Septentrion, 1994.

Lessard, Michel. Meubles anciens du Québec. Montréal: Les éditions de l’Homme, 1999.

Lessard, Michel, and Huguette Marquis. Encyclopédie des antiquités du Québec. Montréal: Les éditions de l’Homme, 1971.

Palardy, Jean. Les meubles anciens du Canada français. Paris: Arts et Métiers Graphiques, 1963.

Simard, Jean. Les arts sacrés au Québec. Ottawa: Les Éditions de Mortagne, 1989.

Villeneuve, René. Du baroque au néoclassicisme: La sculpture au Québec. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada, 1997.